Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Few New Additions To Caroline's Future Room

So, I was shopping through Homewood a few weeks ago and came across these bedside tables I just could not stop thinking about. The were a bit pricey, so I knew I had to think about it. I called the store to see if they were still there and the owner said they only had one left. Well that was all I needed, so when I went in the next day, gone! What! How could the perfect bedside table be gone? I was determined to find it,s o went straight home and did some digging and finally found it. I know all the mirrors will be a pain to keep streak free, but I am willing to Windex that thing every day. I also found this gorgeous crystal lamp and had to snag that one up. Caroline's bed will be a covered full headboard and hopefully is she has a sister we will get two twin beds. When I was younger I always wanted two twin beds, because its just so chic.

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