Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Big Girls Go To School

Oh how I was dreading the first day of school. I kept saying "Caroline, big girls go to school" and " we're going to have fun and we are not going to cry." She kept saying "no school, I don't like school." My stomach was in knots on our drive that morning. I figured we would skip the carpool line and that I would walk her in. I knew that once we got in there and she saw her friends she would just love it. We walked in the class room and there were a little moans and a little whining, but she went straight to the baby dolls and stroller and she was fine. She was such a big girl. She says she loves school and her teacher and can't wait to go back. Well, it has been a week and she has already caught a bug. I just love the school though. Her teacher is wonderful and the curriculum is terrific. They have music class with a different teacher and a PE teacher. They learn a different letter, shape and color every other week and they do about 3 art projects a day. I could not ask for any better!
Caroline is very into surprises these days and she asks for one every day after school. The first day we went to her favorite place to dine, Chik-fila and picked up an ice cream cone.

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