Monday, August 10, 2009

Just Call Me Tinker Bell!

So, the McDowell family is on its way to going "Green." On our way to church yesterday Caroline was sucking on a lollipop and when she was done she handed me her lollipop stick, as she always does. Instead of holding on to it I opened the window and let it fly. Everyone in the call flipped! My husband and parents. All three were yelling at me all at once and it didn't stop until we went into the church doors. So, it go me thinking....they're right. So, my mission is to try to go "Green." My very good friend Sara has been sharing her knowledge and all the "Earth friendly" products she uses. You can check out her blog. I have her linked to mine...Sara Smile. I went this weekend and bought some great products and actually just got done using them in my bathroom. I used the Seventh Generation products and let me tell you that I am addicted. The products worked so well and after I was done it smelt like a spa in my bathroom. i already use the Green Works Natural Products and am very happy with them.

Caroline is hooked on Tinker Bell at the moment, so I thought who could be greener than Tink herself? She is my going "Green" icon. She loves the Earth and nature and she does sport a marvelous green mini and some awfully cute green ballet flats. She is the epitome of "Green Glam."

This weekend Caroline was showered with all things Disney. On a recent trip to Disneyland in California; my mother bought everything at the theme park. Lots of princess, Minny Mouse and Tinker Bell stuff. I will share with you all the stuff later. She also picked her up a couple of Halloween costume options. I think we have decided on Tinker Bell, since Caroline is loving her at the moment.

So here's to going "Green" and Tinker Bell!

I will keep up updated on any other products and methods I start using and any other information my green guru friend Sara shares with me.

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