Friday, April 23, 2010

Pray For Sweet Molly!!!!

Please keep sweet Molly in your prayers. Molly's previous mommy neglected this sweet angel for years. Poor Molly lost her leg many years ago and was left to suffer, limp and live life as a gimp. Finally after years of neglect she was adopted by a new mommy and was immediately admitted into the American Doll Hospital. As we speak Molly is undergoing a procedure that will help her to be a little girl again. She will no longer be ridiculed and live in shame. This shows that miracles do come true and good is really out there. Maury, the love you are showing Molly is unconditional. You should have a street or holiday named after you!!! Hope you two are very happy with each other.


  1. Cydney, you are too much! I am happy to report that we got an update and Molly is doing very well. We expect her to me back in Maury's arms in 7-10 days :)

  2. She must be going through some extensive phisical therapy.
